Fehrenbach, D., Bartoschek, T., Pesch, M. Tandoğan, T. (2019): Digitale Bildung: Programmieren lernen mit Open-Source-Mikrocontrollern. ATP Magazin 03/2019
Moritz Migge (2021): Modeling of time-spatial processes using a timeseries database on the example of the open data portal openSenseMap
Boris Bäumer (2020): Unsupervised Anomaly Detection of Streaming Data in the openSenseMap Sensor Network
Aysel Tandik (2020): Optimization of the Visual Representation of Mobile senseBox Data – Visualization Alternatives on the openSenseMap
Daniel Uemmelmann (2020): Implementierung einer Geo-Temporalen-Dateninfrastruktur auf Basis der SensorThings API zur Verarbeitung von heterogenen Sensordatenquellen am Beispiel eines siedlungswassertechnischen Pumpwerkes
Luc Niski (2020): Implementierung von interaktiven Lerntutorials zu Grundkonzepten des Computational Thinkings in einer blockbasierten Programmierumgebung
Jasper Buß (2019): A multi-spatial dashboard related to senseBox data
Eric Thieme-Garmann (2019): Story-Dashboard for the senseBox Project
Mario Pesch (2019): Volunteer’s Interaction in Technology Driven Citizen Science Projects
Anja Oberhaus (2019): Visualiisierung des Wärmeinseleffektes mit Hilfe der senseBox – Einbindung in den Bildungskontext und Evaluierung
Niklas Aßelmann (2019): Entwicklung und Evaluierung interaktiver Tutorials mit Gamification Ansatz für Blockly senseBox MCU
Björn Guntermann (2019): Improving computational thinking competencies through visual programming interfaces
Christopher Poitz (2018): Machbarkeitsstudie über senseBox-Monitoring an den Quellen der Baumberge (Kreis Coesfeld, Nordrhein Westfalen)
Norwin Roosen (2017): Integration mobiler Sensoren in die Datenstruktur und Nutzeroberfläche der Webplattform openSenseMap
Bernd van Rennigs (2017): Entwicklung und empirische analytische Untersuchung der Usability der visuellen Programmierumgebung senseBlocks
Jana Martins (2017): UAV-based 3D mapping of noise phenomenon for residential quality assessment by use of the senseBox
Kiana Kazemi (2017): Evaluation and Prototyping of Low-Cost Air Quality Solutions for Participatory Sensing in Citizen Science Applications
Christoph Kisfeld (2016): OpenSenseMap – User Centered Design
Marc Dragunski (2016): Geostatistical capabilities in OpenSenseMap
Jan Wirwahn (2016): Enhancement of a Citizen Driven Sensor Network: Usability Engineering for Successful Open Citizen Science
Felix Erdmann (2016): Low-Cost Sensor zur Berechnung der Wolkenbedeckung: Ein Citizen Science Projekt basierend auf Open Source Technologien
Matthias Pfeil (2015): OpenSenseMap – a citizen science platform for publishing and exploring sensor data as open data
Joana Gockel (2015): Bereinigen und Klassifizieren von Daten gemessen mit der SenseBox
Mario Pesch (2015): SenseBox:Airquality – Entwicklung einer Low-Cost Luqualitätsmessstation auf Basis der SenseBox
Björn Guntermann (2015): senseBox:Waterquality – Entwicklung eines Wasserqualitätsmessgerätes auf Basis des Arduino Mikrokontrollers.
Sergey Mukhametov (2013): DIY- set prototype for learning about sensing, data and programming with school-aged children
Jan Wirwahn (2012): Weather SenseBox: An Arduino Based Approach to Integrate the Work on Sensor Platforms in High School Classes
Besides own publications, the senseBox and the openSenseMap have been mentioned in many different other publications or used in research.
Kassandros, T., Gavros, A., Bakousi, K., & Karatzas, K. (2021): Citizens in the Loop for Air Quality Monitoring in Thessaloniki, Greece. In Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics (pp. 121-130). Springer, Cham.
Becker, S., & Riemann, T. (2020): LoRaWAN und Open Data öffnen den Unterricht für die Umwelt. In Mobil mit Informatik: 9. Münsteraner Workshop zur Schulinformatik (p. 61). BoD–Books on Demand.
Zehnder, P., Wiener, P., Straub, T., & Riemer, D. (2020): StreamPipes Connect: Semantics-Based Edge Adapters for the IIoT. In European Semantic Web Conference (pp. 665-680). Springer, Cham.
Sanders, C., & Liebig, T. (2020): Knowledge Discovery on Blockchains: Challenges and Opportunities for Distributed Event Detection Under Constraints In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (pp. 113-128). Springer, Cham.
Schön, N. (2020): Digitalkompetenz für die Bildung der Zukunft. In Digitalpakt–was nun? (pp. 9-19). Springer VS, Wiesbaden.
Schade, S., Herding, W., Fellermann, A., & Kotsev, A. (2019): Joint Statement on new opportunities for air quality sensing-lower-cost sensors for public authorities and citizen science initiatives. Research Ideas and Outcomes, 5, e34059.
Chochiang, K., Chaowanawatee, K., Silanon, K., & Kliangsuwan, T. (2019): Arduino visual programming. In 2019 23rd International Computer Science and Engineering Conference (ICSEC) (pp. 82-86). IEEE.
Chaturvedi, K., & Kolbe, T. H. (2019): Towards establishing cross-platform interoperability for sensors in smart cities. Sensors, 19(3), 562.
Vo, T. T., Nichersu, A., & Wendel, J. (2019): Modeling, Monitoring, and Validating Green Roof and Green Facade Solutions with Semantic City Models Using Low Cost Sensors and Open Software Infrastructures. Urban Science, 3(2), 39.
Schade, S., Kotsev, A., Cardoso, A. C., Tsiamis, K., Gervasini, E., Spinelli, F., ... & Sgnaolin, R. (2019): Aliens in Europe. An open approach to involve more people in invasive species detection. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 78, 101384.
Mocnik, F. B., Ludwig, C., Grinberger, A. Y., Jacobs, C., Klonner, C., & Raifer, M. (2019): Shared data sources in the geographical domain—A classification schema and corresponding visualization techniques. ISPRS international journal of geo-information, 8(5), 242.
Petrenko, I. & Thomas, M., (2019): Entwicklung ökologischen Denkens im Informatikunterricht. In Pasternak, A. (Hrsg.), Informatik für alle. Bonn: Gesellschaft für Informatik. (S. 149-158). DOI: 10.18420/infos2019-b11
Borges, M. C., Pallas, F., & Peise, M. (2018): Providing open environmental data—The scalable and Web-friendly way. In Advances and New Trends in Environmental Informatics (pp. 21-37). Springer, Cham.
Weber, K., Kleine, N., Pallas, F., & Ulbricht, M. R. (2017): Technik zur Unterstützung von Citizen Science und Open Science. TATuP-Zeitschrift für Technikfolgenabschätzung in Theorie und Praxis, 26(1-2), 25-30.
Dionisio, M., Paulino, T., Suri, T., Autzen, N., & Schöning, J. (2017): In search of light enhancing touristic recommender services with local weather data. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (pp. 1-8).
De Felici, S., Sorge, F., Sbordoni, V., & Cesaroni, D. (2016): Scientists by chance: what tell us data from unaware citizen scientists? In First International ECSA Conference 2016-Citizen Science–Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. DE.
Martellos, S., Attore, F., Cesaroni, D., Di Marco, S., Petruzzella, D., Spinelli, O., ... & Mereu, A. (2016): CSMON-LIFE: data from the people, data for the people. In First ECSA Conference 2016-Citizen Science-Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. DE.
Weber, K., Pallas, F., & Ulbricht, M. R. (2015): Quantified Self, Participatory Sensing und die Grenzen der Regulierung. Jahrbuch für Recht und Ethik/Annual Review of Law and Ethics, 75-94.
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